Roger Kostmayer

THE DAUGHTER – This Australian film is neither subtle nor surprising, but it’s riveting and the acting is terrific.  Some will find the film great; I found the tragedy & emotional frenzy almost unbearable, but would give the film a B-. Possible spoiler alert: There seemed to be counter- intuitive female failures to communicate and infidelities, and it was the men who were demonstrably loving (but destructively passive aggressive).  Either the Aussies are wired differently or both the author & director are males.
LA LA LAND – Is a wonderful song and dance musical with echoes of Gene Kelly & Leslie Caron, Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers and Busby Berkley  If you love jazz, dance and romance this film is a huge treat. Young aspiring actress, young aspiring musician and the city of Los Angeles are the three main characters, and this menage a trois is an age old tale of passions that evokes laughter and tears.  Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are terrific – and so is everything else.  This movie combines some of the best of past and present films, and is among the very best of 2016.
MANCHESTER BY THE SEA – Kenneth Lonergan’s new film is a serious work of art with amazing writing, directing and acting.  Working class folks in a small New England fishing town struggle as Casey Affleck’s character, Lee Chandler, tries to cope with tragedy and loss as best he can.  The result is deeply moving and authentic in every respect.
The audience is treated as an adult observer who can handle truth and reality as it watches a wounded and lifeless Lee try to deal with being the new guardian for his 16 year old nephew.  The film is both powerful drama and understated insight into life’s imperfections, and is a must see.
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