More than 1.1 million have already cast ballots in Florida

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Election Day is still more than two weeks away, but more than 1.1 million Floridians have already voted.

New numbers posted Saturday by the Florida Division of Elections show a stream of vote-by-mail ballots have already been returned to election officials.

Those numbers show that Republican voters have returned nearly 464,000 ballots while more than 443,000 Democratic voters have mailed in their ballots. The remaining voters who turned in ballots are registered with minor parties or have no party affiliation.

State totals show an additional 2 million voters have requested ballots but haven’t returned them.

The voting numbers are expected to surge even higher next when early voting starts Monday in 50 out of 67 counties.

Florida is a battleground state that could determine the presidency of the United States.


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