Monroe County Television (MCTV) Offers New Digital Options

MONROE COUNTY, FL – Monroe County Television (MCTV) offers new digital options for watching County programming. In addition to watching MCTV locally on Channel 76 on Comcast, Channel 99 on AT&T U-verse, and Roku, Amazon Fire TV and a mobile app have been added to watch meetings live. The mobile app (Monroe County TV on iOS and Android) allows easy access to live and Video-On-Demand features. MCTV’s Roku and Video-On-Demand services have also been updated with modern, user-friendly interfaces. Closed captioning of meetings is also available for live and prior meetings dating back through 2018. Additional details on MCTV and County programming can be found at

“Now, you could be traveling in Australia and have easy access to watch our meetings live,” said MCTV Manager Jethón Williams II. “This is something we have worked on for quite a while to make it easy to access County programming across multiple platforms.”

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