Monroe County State Attorney’s Office Files Charges Against Andy Newman

The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office has formally charged Andy Newman with multiple counts of perjury and false official statements following an extensive independent investigation and an in depth forensic audit conducted by the office. The investigation, which involved information obtained through subpoenas, an audit report from the Clerk of Court, and our own independent in-depth forensic audit uncovered a series of false declarations made by Newman concerning payments allegedly issued by Stuart Newman Enterprises to a fictitious company, Graphics 71.

Andy Newman faces fourteen counts of “Perjury When Not in an Official Proceeding,” each classified as a first-degree misdemeanor. These allegations assert that Newman knowingly provided false statements under oath about payments to the nonexistent entity, Graphics 71. Under Florida law, each count of perjury is punishable by up to 364 days in county jail and a $1,000 fine.

In addition to the perjury charges, Newman is accused of fourteen counts of “Making False Official Statements,” each categorized as a second-degree misdemeanor. These charges allege that Newman submitted false written certifications to the Clerk of Court’s office, falsely claiming that payments were made to Graphics 71 to mislead public officials. Each count of making false official statements carries a potential penalty of up to six months in county jail and a $500 fine.

“Our investigation underscores the seriousness of these offenses. Integrity and honesty are cornerstones of public service, and we are committed to prosecuting those who engage in deceitful practices that undermine public trust,” said State Attorney Dennis Ward.

The Monroe County State Attorney’s Office remains dedicated to maintaining transparency and accountability. These charges underscore the office’s commitment to upholding justice and ensuring that all individuals involved in public proceedings adhere to the highest standards of truthfulness.

**This press release serves to inform the public about the legal proceedings initiated against Andy Newman and to reaffirm the Monroe County State Attorney’s Office’s dedication to transparency, justice, and integrity.

For more information or media inquiries, please contact Steve Torrence Public Information Officer at the Monroe County State Attorney’s Office.
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