Monroe County Schools Superintendent accepts offer from MDCPS Superintendent to work out of Miami

Monroe County Schools Superintendent Mark Porter has accepted the offer from Superintendent Alberto Carvalho to work out of the Miami-Dade Public Schools offices.  The MCSD facilities, operations, and planning team will continue efforts with Monroe County officials to ensure the school infrastructures on the island are safe after Hurricane Irma.

Mr. Porter has stressed personal safety throughout the process to his staff, and is in Miami to continue to stay connected to personnel and the district families using available resources, while being close to the hurricane sites.

Mr. Porter spoke with Mr. Carvalho about the possibilities for students in MCSD moving forward. “I acknowledge and thank Superintendent Carvalho for his generous offer but at this time I am fully committed to reopening all of the Monroe County Schools as soon as possible. We will have our students back in school in the very near future.”

Monroe County Emergency Operations Officials continue to work diligently to ensure basic resources like water, electricity, and access to food and fuel are readily available to Keys residents after Hurricane Irma.

The Monroe County School District serves approximately 8,600 students throughout the upper, middle, lower keys, and Key West.  The accredited school district consists of 10 public schools, six charter schools, as well as alternative and virtual programs. For more information about the district’s vision and mission, visit

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