Mayor Honored for Mall on Duval Initiative


The Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA) presented Key West Mayor Teri Johnston with its “Outstanding Elected Official Award” for her continued efforts toward programs to rejuvenate and transform Duval Street, affordable housing, assisting the homeless, and creating a more user-friendly City Hall.


The FPZA stated that projects such as “Mall on Duval,” the pedestrian shopping and dining experience, “embody Mayor Johnston’s ability to strike a balance between tourism and the residents of Key West, bringing forward an opportunity for progress.”


The FPZA held its Annual Awards Luncheon in Key West this year during which they also presented Mayor Emeritus Craig Cates and Bender & Associates, Architects, with an award for “Outstanding Redevelopment of Key West City Hall.”



Photo: Mayor Teri Johnston receives the award from Alexis Crespo, State President of the Florida Planning and Zoning Association

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