May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Key West Mayor Craig Cates on Tuesday declared May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. The proclamation was accepted by Byron Agababian, a member of the Southernmost Chapter of ABATE — American Bikers Aiming Towards Education.

The organization promotes safety through rider and motorist education programs and works to education the non-riding public how to safety share the road with motorcycles. Statewide, the organization boasts more than 7,000 members.

Motorcycles are an energy efficient vehicle that reduces traffic and parking congestion, but they can be vulnerable to motorists who are not watchful.

As a matter of safety, it is important that all motorists develop appropriate driving habits to be wary of motorcycles on the roads.

The month dedicated to motorcycle awareness is a means to raising public awareness about sharing the road to ensure the safety of everyone on the road.

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