Man arrested with handgun/cocaine/marijuana after traffic stop on U.S. 1

A 34-year-old St. Cloud, Florida man was arrested Thursday morning after a traffic stop on U.S. 1 in which a handgun, cocaine and marijuana were found.

Dylan Paul Johnson was charged with illegal possession of a weapon during the commission of a felony, cocaine possession and marijuana possession.

A southbound Toyota Camry was spotted by a deputy in an unmarked vehicle at Mile Marker 64 at 11:20 a.m. following other cars too closely. He radioed Traffic Enforcement Unit Deputy Shaun Lones, who spotted and stopped the car near Mile Marker 54.

A female was driving the car and Johnson was the passenger.  A K9 Unit was with Deputy Lones and the K9 alerted to the presence of drugs in the car.

Other deputies arrived and searched the vehicle. The following were found:

  • A loaded .380-caliber Glock magazine in the storage bin on the driver’s door;
  • A .380-caliber Glock handgun under the driver’s seat;
  • A vacuum-sealed bag located in plastic paneling on the center console containing 15.5 grams (that included the packaging weight) of a white, powdery substance that field-tested positive for cocaine;
  • A vacuum-sealed bag also located behind paneling on the center console containing 112.5 grams (or nearly four ounces that included the packaging weight) of a green, leafy substance that field-tested positive for marijuana;
  • A vacuum-sealed bag containing seven vape cartridges containing suspected marijuana resin.

Johnson stated all the above items were his. Johnson stated it was all for personal use during Fantasy Fest in Key West.

Johnson was taken to jail.


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