Man arrested for drugs

A 43-year-old Key Largo, Florida man was arrested for cocaine and marijuana possession Thursday following a traffic stop on U.S. 1.

Adrian Luis Demblans was charged with possessing .5 grams of cocaine, .5 grams of marijuana, and drug paraphernalia, as well as operating an unregistered motor vehicle.

The Sheriff’s Office stopped a GMC Yukon, driven by Demblans, at approximately 10:46 p.m. near Mile Marker 100 due to the registration not being assigned to that vehicle. Cocaine-related paraphernalia was observed in clear view as the Sheriff’s Office attempted to identify the vehicle’s VIN number, which had been covered. The drugs were found in the subsequent search.

Demblans was released from a Florida prison in 2023 after serving approximately eight years for his role in the 2015 double murder of Tara Rosado, 26, and Carlos Ortiz, 30, in Tavernier, Florida.

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