Man arrested for battery  

A 31-year-old homeless man was charged with battery after he knocked a man temporarily unconscious Sunday afternoon on Stock Island.

Jonathan Christopher Saporito was charged with battery and resisting arrest without violence.

Deputy Jonathan Lane was called to the 5700 block of U.S. 1 at 2:43p.m.  reference to a fight when he found a man trying to stand up and repeatedly falling to the ground. Another man, later identified as Saporito, was standing over the victim and claimed to be helping him given the victim’s medical condition. Lane had interacted with the victim earlier in the day on a previous medical call.

Lane called Monroe County Fire Rescue. The victim had new scrapes to his body and welts to his face that suggested he had recently been punched.

A short time later, the victim was able to stand up, but could not remember what occurred over the last 20 minutes.

A witness told Lane he saw Saporito attack the victim. The victim later Deputy Donald Stullken he wanted to press charges against Saporito.

Saporito repeatedly declined to give Deputy Lane his full name.

Saporito was taken to jail.

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