Man arrested for assault

A 40-year-old Key West, Florida, man was arrested Saturday for assault and battery following a domestic incident. There were no life-threatening injuries reported.

Brenton William Neville was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (a knife), battery, and robbery.

Neville attacked a 31-year-old female aboard a boat anchored near Wisteria Island and Fleming Key at approximately 6 a.m. Neville threatened the victim with a knife. She was cut while attempting to disarm him. Neville stole the victim’s phone and threw it in the water. The victim was able to flee on a dinghy and contact law enforcement.


Woman charged with child neglect

Claudia Magdalena Blackstock, 33, of Big Pine Key, Florida, was charged with child neglect Friday.

The Sheriff’s Office was called to Ramrod Key, Florida, at approximately 5:04 p.m. regarding a medical emergency. Blackstock was found near a residence holding a baby. She appeared intoxicated. Her vehicle was parked in the roadway and appeared to have been in a crash. A family member took custody of the child.

The Sheriff’s Office notified the Florida Department of Children and Families.

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