Man arrested for assault   

A 25-year-old Big Coppitt Key man was arrested Sunday afternoon after beating up another man and threatening him with a pocketknife.

Jesus Diaz was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, battery and damage to property.

Deputy Freddy Rodriguez was sent to a residence on 8th Avenue on Stock Island at 2 p.m. regarding a fight. He arrived to find the 36-year-old, male victim who stated he was sleeping in his work van parked below the residence when he was awoken by Diaz banging on the van. Diaz was urging the victim to open the van so they could fight. Diaz then shattered the van’s windshield with a scooter wheel. The victim then exited the van and a fight ensued.

Diaz produced a pocketknife at some point, but he was unable to cut or stab the victim who evade him. The victim stated that Diaz eventually left the scene in a gray sport utility vehicle. The victim stated Diaz wanted to fight him, because Diaz believes he is sleeping with Diaz’s love interest.

A witness corroborated the victim’s statement.

The victim suffered cuts and bruises, but no life-threatening injuries.

A be-on-the-lookout was sent and Deputy Lazaro Valdes found the SUV on Cross Street. Diaz was sitting inside. Diaz was arrested. A pocketknife was found in the SUV near where Diaz was sitting.

Diaz was taken to jail.

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