Man Arrested for Armed Robbery

Key West Police Detectives arrested a Key West man after he allegedly pulled a gun on two 17 year old boys and robbed them of their jewelry.

Orlando Todd Brown, 24, faces two felony counts of armed robbery.

The robbery occurred on Thanksgiving when several kids said they were heading back to their car downtown in order to return home before curfew. They said the suspect confronted them, becoming increasingly hostile, saying they had jumped on his car. The victims then said Brown pulled a gun on them, threatened to shoot, and demanded they hand over their jewelry.

After the incident, one of the victim’s fathers spotted Brown’s car at Searstown and called the police. When interviewed by Detectives, Brown was wearing a watch that was stolen from one of the victims. Brown admitted a confrontation with the kids. Detectives retrieved the gun from Brown’s car – a 40 caliber Smith and Wesson loaded with a 14-round magazine of ammunition.


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