Make this a safe and happy holiday season

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office will be out in force watching out for drunk and unsafe drivers this month through New Year’s Eve with the goal of making sure holiday travel is as safe as possible here in the Florida Keys.

Deputies will be concentrating their efforts on drunk drivers, improper passing and other unsafe driving practices throughout the upcoming season in an effort to save lives and make this holiday season a safe and enjoyable one for everyone.

So, as you attend special holiday events, designate a sober driver or take a cab home if you decide to drink alcoholic beverages. Whatever you choose to do, don’t drink and drive. Remember: if you drink and drive and get caught, you will be spending the night in jail.

Also, be aware that the holidays are often ripe with reports of scams and theft. Be wary of those collecting money over the phone, particularly if they ask for donations with gift cards. That should always be a red alert!

Residents should know that government agencies (as well as law enforcement agencies and utility companies) will always send you notification of an issue via the mail or in person. Always be alert on the phone. Ask for proof via a letter in the mail. Never give personal information over the phone.

Never make any sort of purchase or monetary transaction with/using gift cards online or via the phone. Gift cards are a giveaway you are being scammed.

Residents should never give personal, monetary or gift card information over the phone — TO ANYONE REGARDLESS OF WHO THEY CLAIM TO BE!

Anyone with information about any crimes should contact the Sheriff’s Office at 305-292-7000. Callers who wish to remain anonymous can call Crime Stoppers at 1-866-471-8477. Tipsters can remain anonymous and if a tip leads to an arrest in the case, the caller may be eligible for a cash reward. Tips may also be submitted online at Tips can also be submitted via social media such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the @CrimeStoppers305 hashtag.

Our deputies spend their holidays working in order to keep our community safe. Have a safe and happy holiday season, from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

Audio Public Service Announcements attached:

With the Thanksgiving weekend coming up, many people will be beginning to shop for the holidays, and many people will be on the road traveling to visit with family and friends.

For those of you who can use them, I have attached three holiday audio public service announcements from Sheriff Rick Ramsay. Each are just under 30 seconds.

  • Holiday shopping safety
  • Holiday driving safety
  • Don’t drink and drive over the holidays
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