Pictured, left to right, are David Clay, LKMC CEO; Leslie Johnson, LKMC Board Vice Chair; Judy Leggett, Boys and Girls Club of the Keys; Kristina Welburn, Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys; Anna Anglin, Key West Police Love Fund; Michael Knowles, LKMC Board member; Dr. Jack Norris, LKMC Chief of Staff.
Lower Keys Medical Center honors medical staff on Doctors’ Day with donations to the community
Key West, FL – March 31, 2021 – In recognition of National Doctors’ Day, Lower Keys Medical Center recognized the heroic work of all physicians every day and especially through the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Life has been disrupted by the pandemic but chronic diseases and medical conditions still require care. While we cared for COVID-19 positive patients, routine care also continued. Parents welcomed their newborns, medical emergencies were treated and surgeries were performed,” said David Clay, Lower Keys Medical Center CEO.
In 2017, the hospital started a tradition of honoring the medical staff for Doctors’ Day by making donations to community organizations, chosen by the physicians, in lieu of nominal gifts. “Our physicians are very receptive and appreciate that funds that would have been used on gifts are directed to these vital organizations that do so much good in our community,” Clay noted.
On March 30, 2021, Clay was joined by employees, board members and physicians to present this year’s donations to the Boys and Girls Club of the Keys, Habitat for Humanity of Key West and the Lower Keys, and the Key West Police Department Love Fund. Organizations that have received past donations on Doctors’ Day include Marc House, Wesley House Family Services, Samuels House, and Florida Keys Children’s Shelter.
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