Lower Keys Medical Center honors medical staff on Doctors’ Day with community donations

Photo (l to r): Renie Henslee, LKMC Chief Financial Officer; Maria Protopsaltis, Deputy Director, Samuel’s House; Aydin Atilla, MD, LKMC; Grace Epperly, Development Coordinator, Wesley House Family Services; Jimmy Bass, LKMC Assistant Chief Executive Officer; and Ben Kemmer, CEO, Florida Keys Children’s Shelter. 

Key West, FL – In recognition of National Doctors’ Day, Lower Keys Medical Center recognized the dedication of the medical staff. “On Doctors’ Day, and every day, I am thankful to work with our skilled and compassionate providers. Thanks to their professionalism, resilience and empathy for their patients, we have been able to continue to help our community with emergency, chronic and routine medical needs throughout the ebbs and flows of COVID-19,” said David Clay, CEO. 

Since 2017, the hospital has been honoring the medical staff on Doctors’ Day by making donations to community organizations, chosen by the providers, in lieu of gifts. This year’s recipients were Samuel’s House, Wesley House Family Services and Florida Keys Children’s Shelter.

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