Local Observation / SUNDAY STORY ? OFF THE WALL

By Christina Oxenberg

After sixty-four thousand hours of travel I am home on my atoll in the Caribbean. My one week journey to the UK was dreamy. I loved seeing my friends. I loved meeting in person, and therefore off the wall, my FB friends. I love my publisher Naim Attallah CBE with whom I’ve been publishing since TAXI, my first book, in 1986! His company Quartet Books is a crib of efficiency.

I had nothing but fun. They call it a book ‘launch’ in England, but the truth is it is a party, and this one was a rocking good time. I think the proof is we were booted out of the bookshop as it was past closing time. That’s the definition of a good party.

I’ve stayed at Blakes Hotel since it opened 400 years ago. It was cool since the first day and it’s still got it going on.

The ‘party which could not be stopped’ blazed over to Blakes and downstairs to the ‘Chinese Room’ (doff of the cap to my direct ancestor Genghis Khan) where they have cozy alcoves and a sexy nightclub. I indulged in anything with Scottish smoked salmon and cold Peroni beers.

Now I’m home, on my island, and the trip feels unreal. I shall listen to the wind blow and sleep in the hammock.

Here is Koo Stark shooting me as I order our room service. My last day in England and we had breakfast in bed at Blakes Hotel where I stayed in palatial comfort. You can clearly see the very real talent of Ms Koo Stark. Forgive me but I’m a huge snob when it comes to talent, and she has it.

If not for these pics I could easily persuade myself it was all a fabulous dream. I’m typing this from the hammock. I’m already almost dreaming now. Good night Friends 

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