Local Moms Heads to DC for Major White House Summit on Women

MomsRising State Moms Force Members to Join White House Officials, Thought Leaders in D.C for US State of Women Conference on Critical Women’s Issues

MIAMI, FLORIDA — Next week, Cristy Clavijo-Kish and Lina Acosta Sandaal, two Miami-based moms and member of MomsRising’s State Moms Force will travel to Washington DC to take part in the first-ever Summit on the State of Women in the United States, hosted by the White House.

The Summit will address issues around empowering women and girls, female entrepreneurship, gender equality, women’s health solutions, economic opportunity, domestic violence and sexual assault, and MomsRising members will share their perspectives of women and families from their local communities.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.theunitedstateofwomen.org/

Cristy Clavijo-Kish is an entrepreneur and award-winning marketing, media and communications practitioner with more than 15 years experience and specialization in Hispanic and multicultural community initiatives. She is the founder and co-publisher of Los Tweens & Teens, a bilingual blog and community resource site engaging multicultural parents and kids from ages 7-16.  Clavijo-Kish will address issues of child-care, education, equal pay and healthcare at the United States of Women Summit.

Lina Acosta Sandaal is program director of The Nest in Miami, is an expert in child and adolescent development and infant and early childhood mental health, having worked and trained at Vista Del Mar, Yale’s Minding the Baby, National Child Traumatic Stress Network, and Child Trauma Research Program.  Sandaal is looking forward to addressing the importance of paid family leave, social emotional education, mental health and early childhood education at the United States of Women Summit.

After the Summit, the MomsRising State Mom Forces will be visiting members of their Congressional delegation on Capitol Hill to inform them about the work of the State Mom Force and the top concerns of women and families in their State.

MomsRising has over a million members, with members in every state in the nation, and a reach to over 5 million readers.  MomsRising launched its State Mom Force initiative in 2015 with a goal of further strengthening and empowering local MomsRising volunteers to fight for city, state and federal policies that lift women, families, businesses, and our economy.

Members of the MomsRising State Mom Forces from Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and New Hampshire will attend the Summit on the State of Women in the United States.

For more information, or for interviews with Cristy Clavijo-Kish, Lina Acosta Sandaal, or MomsRising, please contact Yasmina Dardari at  (407) 922-8149 or by email at [email protected].

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MomsRising.org is an online and on-the-ground grassroots organization of more than a million people who are working to achieve economic security for all families in the United States. MomsRising is working for paid family leave, flexible work options, affordable childcare, and for an end to the wage and hiring discrimination which penalizes so many others.  MomsRising also advocates for better childhood nutrition, health care for all, toxic-free environments, and breastfeeding rights so that all children can have a healthy start. Established in 2006, MomsRising and its members are organizing and speaking out to improve public policy and to change the national dialogue on issues that are critically important to America’s families. MomsRising also maintains a Spanish language website:  MamásConPoder.org.

Yasmina Dardari
Unbendable Media LLC
+1 407-922-8149
[email protected]

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