Local businesses are partnering with Reef Relief to say NO to plastic straws

Join Reef Relief in skipping the straw! Several businesses around the island of Key West have signed Reef Relief’s pledge, promising to only provide customers with plastic straws upon request. They will no longer automatically serve straws with drinks. Customers are encouraged to think twice about their consumption before asking for a straw. This not only saves the business money, as they use and purchase fewer straws, but can significantly reduce plastic waste that ultimately finds its way into our oceans as marine debris.

Straws are one of the top ten sources of plastic marine debris, but we really do not need them! The best way to keep plastic out of the ocean is to stop it at the source, by simply using less of it. To do this, Reef Relief believes it is necessary to shift demand away from single-use plastic, using awareness campaigns to change consumers’ attitudes about the short term convenience of plastic. Reef Relief reports that businesses around the island have been very receptive to the campaign, many even doing more than they pledged by using compostable alternatives or getting rid of straws altogether!

The local businesses that have pledged environmental stewardship so far include: Firefly, Blackfin Bistro, Lucy’s Retired Surfers Bar & Restaurant, Sinz Burritos and Brews, Paradise Pizza, The Porch, The Green Pineapple, Amigos Tortilla Bar, Garbos Grill, The Café, Sugar Apple Natural Foods, Grand Cafe, and Date & Thyme Organic Cafe and Market.

Amigos Tortilla Bar was working on phasing out straws even before Reef Relief began the campaign. Jacque, from Amigos, says that “this is a beautiful thing that Reef Relief is doing because it gives a face to the cause. [Reef Relief’s informative signs] make the issue more transparent, so our guests understand why we are not giving them straws.”

For businesses interested in joining the campaign or for more information, email Reef Relief at [email protected], call 305-294-3100, or stop by the environmental center at 631 Greene Street.

Reef Relief is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to improving and protecting our coral reef ecosystem.

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