We are running out of space. Many KW and Lower Keys residents agree that the biggest and most intractable challenge confronting our community (both immediately and in the future) is affordable workforce housing. Unfortunately, most of the solutions suggested to provide affordable housing for critically important workers and neighbors have flaws that could be worse than the problem itself – commuting, traffic, noise, sustainability, parking, pollution and too few units at too high a total cost to taxpayers. There is, however, one creative proposal that could be a huge step forward that doesn’t have unacceptable consequences. It’s called “The Porches” and it was suggested by John Padget, a civic minded philanthropist whose motivation at this stage of his life isn’t money.
The Porches is a bold long term plan for the old Navy property on Trumbo Road near the water. The 8 acre property is owned by KW taxpayers and currently used by the school board and the city. The proposal provides 480 small rental units, with porches and a great view, for workforce housing. The homes are prioritized for school district and city employees, like teachers and first responders, followed by the general public. The rental rates are capped at about 30% of the incomes. The Porches will accommodate bikes, mopeds and electric vehicles, but there will be no motor vehicle parking, which is designed to lower the carbon footprint.
It’s now up to the Mayor and City Commissioners to address our workforce housing crisis by approving the land and the waivers needed to implement this win/win plan for our community and for our essential workers and neighbors.
Happy New Year, Roger
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We heard that refrain over and over again on US1 Radio after hurricane Wilma
hit us.
Yet, none of the officials interviewed or radio personalities dared bring up
a seemingly taboo topic: why aren’t foreclosed houses that are sitting
vacant not have been made available to local residents who lost their homes.
Derelict houses could have been sequestered by the county and repairs could
have been made on short order so shelter could be provided for many left
homeless. Instead, RVs got imported and commercial lodging provided at
great cost, especially since RVs are going to be destroyed by FEMA
It’s a vicious circle: more affordable housing = more business & more visitors/citizens needing more workers who need more affordable housing. STOP this endless growth!.Leave the Keys as they were once were..a Paradise without all the human needs & congested traffic.