By Roger C. Kostmayer

Here are some important facts:  34 million people in the US either have or had the Covid disease.  More than 600,000 individual patients died of Covid.  Many of the survivors will suffer serious post infection health issues, such as lung damage.  The stark reality of this deadly epidemic should motivate all political leaders and every individual to protect themselves, their families, friends, neighbors, work mates and loved ones.  Protection and survival in this case means almost everyone must get vaccinated ASAP, to defeat the disease by starving it. When between 70% and 85% of our “herd” becomes immune by vaccination or other, we win. Unfortunately, and perhaps inevitably, there is a significant minority that still says they are “unlikely” to, or “definitely” won’t, get vaccinated.  If this group can’t be persuaded to do what’s necessary, it will sabotage the effort to kill Covid, and that will cost the lives of many more – unnecessarily.  That’s not acceptable.

Think about the history of seat belts where, initially, many people refused to comply – until there were penalties.  Now, no one gives seat belts a second thought, and many lives have been saved.  Think about polio and childhood diseases that were defeated by mandatory vaccination – and many lives were saved and miseries avoided.  Obviously, the process of beating Covid begins with facts, education and persuasion by scientists, doctors, pandemic specialists as well as famous athletes and entertainers.  Positive motivation in Ohio includes a $1 million lottery.  In spite of which, the daily rate of vaccinations has dropped from 3 million to 1 million, which means we won’t reach our goal within a reasonable time frame.

We may need to reward those who have proof of vaccination, which may also be required at many jobs, restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, sports events and other attractive activities.  Safety for all and survival of our community may require pressure on the few in order to protect the many.

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