By Roger C. Kostmayer
This is in response to the front page article in the KW Citizen (“Farewell Fantasy Fest?”).
If we’re mulling over replacing Fantasy Fest, why not tap into the creative talents that have always been central to Key West? There are opportunities for all ages and interests that appeal to both locals and guests from all over the world (as long as they don’t arrive by huge destructive marine vessels).
Think about Music (Jazz, Symphony and lots more), Art, Literature, Films, Theater, Crafts, Green Environmental projects, Dance. Explore the possibilities. They can all compete with creative ideas and, by natural process, the best will drive out the worst and most tawdry without imposing puritanical rules.
If this approach is well done, think about the positive impact on hotels and inns, restaurants, bars, theaters, venues, studios, schools, tours, retail and much more.
If we challenge the public and listen to their creative proposals, the people will support that which they help CREATE.
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Roger, I love the concept, but I think it is already being done. Biggest is probably the upcoming literary seminar, nationally renowned. We have added a large and successful singer-songwriter festival. As a consumer of the arts myself, I think we are already amazingly well served, especially for a small town of our size.
Separately, we have fishing and other water sports tournaments and races–and raucous lower Duval action. Though I haven’t gone to Fantasy Fest in many years, I think it is a fine alternative to our “higher-class” features. I dimly remember getting drunk and frisky when I was younger. It was in keeping with having a widely-experienced mortality, not stuck up on our pedestals. I applaud Key West for serving us all broadly.