By Roger C. Kostmayer
After taking the oath of office to defend and protect the US Constitution, the worst president (among 47) in the history of the US pardoned 1600 (one thousand six hundred) convicted felons, many of whom pleaded guilty to violence and attacking US police which caused a number of deaths. This president and these convicts also desecrated our nation’s core democratic and judicial principles.
What have the American voters done? All genders, races and ages are guilty. Like a plague, are 40% of Americans really Stupid? Self-destructive? Gullible? It has long been said that voters get what they deserve – in which case we are a sorry lot. If true, our nation, our freedoms and our justice system are at risk because we elected a dangerously malignant narcissist who favors dictatorship and violence.
Unfortunately, the pardons of violent criminals are just the beginning. Overruling the US Constitution’s plain meaning of birthright citizenship (birth in the US gives citizenship), is on the way from President Trump, and he still continues his “big lie” about his political losses.
A lot depends on Republican politicians who know right from wrong but cowardice prevents them from standing up for democracy. If they continue with their head in the sand, America will face a rough and dangerous ride ahead.
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