Letter To The Editor / GET IT RIGHT – AND DO IT NOW !

By Roger C. Kostmayer

Commissioner Sam Kaufman, addressing the long stalled effort to pass a cruise ship ordinance that implements our election, is exactly right:  “…our government can and should respect the will of the people, protect public health and (our) environment”.

The phony first draft just released costs taxpayers $250,000 and does absolutely nothing it is supposed to.  The KW commissioners have spent precious time and money and failed to accomplish what the community demanded. 

 In a democracy, citizens vote in free and fair elections, as KW citizens did, which enables government to know what to implement.  In this case, government’s job is to pass a local ordinance that, with exact specificity, protects our community by establishing common sense safety standards and protocols for cruise ships that want to enter our port and off-load thousands of people a day.

There is nothing in our US Constitution that says there’s an exception to this democratic process and government by the people when a wealthy special interest loses an election but then makes huge contributions to a governor. Nor does our constitution say local government must then negotiate with the losing special interest and ignore the will of the people.

Our local government and staff employees need to do their job, do it right and do it now.

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