By Roger C. Kostmayer

There may be nothing more important for civilization than saving America’s freedom and our constitutional democracy.  That national danger can only be avoided this year by preventing a dictator and narcissistic convict candidate from gaining total U.S. presidential power.  This requires a majority of Americans in key states to vote for the good but not perfect, current US president.  It must be one or the other.

Simultaneously, there’s a war in the Middle East started by Hamas terrorists on October 7 with unjustifiable crimes against humanity and the loss of 1,200 Israeli and American lives.  Israel is a long and close ally of the US, and the beneficiary of billions of American dollars and both offensive and defensive weapons.  PM Netanyahu, who is responsible for Hamas’ successful attack, and the Israeli army, retaliated against Hamas and civilian Palestinians. Israel, and to some degree the US, are responsible for the killing of some 35,000 humans, most of whom are children and civilians.  This was in spite of false promises and lies to the US, who demanded a diplomatic solution that included freeing hostages, suspending the war, providing food, water and health care.  The Biden administration must cease and desist in providing more deadly offensive weapons and funds to insure that the Israeli people and the US see that the plan for peace in both countries is implemented to everyones’ benefit.  Failure to stand up and do the right things for the US, Israel and Palestine would be a tragedy that includes America being legally complicit in genocide.

The vast majority around the world, and Americans who are demonstrating, will only grow in protest, and the first American military men and a senior State Department officer has resigned in protest to current weakness with Netanyahu. And there will be more.

If the dangerously unhinged Presidential candidate is to be defeated, Biden must unequivocally demonstrate strength and democratic principles for all humanity. And the time is now.

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