Letter from Key West City Manager Greg Veliz

The City of Key West has remained committed to restoring the economy of our community while continuing to put health and welfare at the forefront. To that end, and in conjunction with the Governor’s Order 20-112, your City government is prepared to move into the next phase of recovery.
Effective May 4, 2020, the City of Key West will begin to allow the opening of non-essential businesses and restaurants in accordance with the Governor’s Order. The Governor chose to include Monroe County in his statewide Order, and we feel it is important to allow local businesses to open within the limitations imposed.
We are sensitive to the concerns of our residents that believe that this decision may be too soon. However, rest assured it is not without a great deal planning and attention to the protection of our residents. As you are aware, we are currently operating with the protection of the informational checkpoint in the upper keys. We fully believe that beginning to open businesses to a local clientele and allowing our economy to begin to grow is the smartest way to proceed.
The City also recognizes that while the Governor’s Order did allow for a loosening of restrictions, there are still businesses that have not been allowed to reopen. Rest assured that you are not forgotten and that we will continue to monitor future developments. We pledge to you, and all our residents, that we will act swiftly in responding to upcoming orders.
In closing, we want to thank the residents of our City for all their cooperation. Social distancing and personal responsibility have kept our community safe. It is only through the participation of all our residents that we are able to enact the changes that are occurring. We wish all of you the best and promise that we will remain diligent and attentive to your needs.
Gregory Veliz
City Manager
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