Lemon and Lily Wins September’s Keep Key West Beautiful Award for Community Impact

Commissioners Monica Haskell and Lissette Carey, Mayor Danise Henriquez, Krystal Sanchez, Holly Tremain, Code’s Sophia Doctoche, Commissioner Clayton Lopez, Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman, and Commissioner Donie Lee. Commissioner Mary Lou Hoover was in attendance via Zoom.

Mayor Danise Henriquez and the City Commission have Lemon and Litty with the September Keep Key West Beautiful Award.

The award is recommended monthly by the Code Compliance Department for businesses that significantly improve their property.

Located at 804 Caroline Street, the small business was founded by two passionate locals, Holly Tremain and Krystal Sanchez.

“This small yet vibrant stand,” noted Code’s Sophia Doctoche, “is dedicated to offering the highest quality goods, delighting both locals and visitors with its handcrafted lemonades and beautifully arranged flowers. Lemon and Lily’s commitment to the community brings a refreshing perspective to the area, creating a nostalgic and welcoming atmosphere that resonates with the rich history of Key West.”

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