Lawmakers Are Chipping Away At Our Home Rule

More than 50 years ago, voters in the state of Florida enshrined in the State Constitution the idea that the best form of government is the one closest to the people, and Home Rule became part of the law here in our sunshine state.

Over the past two decades, at the behest of big developers, big corporations, and big donors, the “Small Government” party has chipped away at the power of county and city governments through legislation passed by the Florida Legislature.

This session is exceptional in the number of pre-emption bills, most of which have been supported by our very own elected legislators. While media coverage and leadership in Tallahassee are largely focused on culture war issues, bills that will strip even more power away from our BOCC and City Councils are making progress at a record rate through the Legislature. Some of these pre-emption bills that will affect Monroe County are highlighted here.

HB1197/SB1240:Land and Water Management

This bill- prohibits Counties and Municipalities from adopting laws, regulations, rules, or policies relating to water quality or quantity, pollution control, discharge prevention, or removal of wetlands. This bill takes away Monroe County’s right to regulate our water and gives it to the State.

HB383/SB346: Public Construction

This Bill literally strips a county or city’s control over public works projects. Not only does it limit counties or municipalities from withholding payment to contractors in the event of disputes, but it ALSO eliminates their ability to contract with your preferred local businesses. This bill harms our county’s resources, harms local businesses, and further waters down a county or city’s powers to govern.

HB671/SB682:Residential Building Permits

This bill shortens the 30-day permitting process to 9 days, requires that building permits will automatically be approved after nine days, and reduces what counties and cities can charge for permits.

Let that sink in. This bill takes away Monroe County’s ability to govern our local permitting process, including what the county will charge for it. This bill puts our permitting department in a position where they have to rush the process to avoid automatic approval. Again, this bill takes away Monroe County’s ability to govern our local permitting process and gives it to the State.

Tallahassee is rapidly eliminating our ability to govern ourselves. They seem to forget about the idea that the best form of government is the one closest to the people and is part of the law in the sunshine state.

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