By Fred C. Klein
No doubt, climate change is wreaking havoc. Be it hurricanes (water) or Fire.
This time, it is the horrible Santa Ana wind blown LA fires. My words can not describe the damage and tragedy they have wrought!
What I can do is support a Gotham initiative spawned by Gotham Hall of Fame member Bruce Swicker (Networker of the Year 2022). Bruce, who lived and worked in the LA area for over a decade is taking the fires personally and moved to action by asking the Gotham Foundation to sponsor tax deductible fund raising for LA fire victims.
Bruce has recommended that the Gotham Foundation collect money and donate to a 501 c 3 directing funds to LA Fire victims and, in perfect Gotham giving spirit, Gold Pin (20 or more years of membership) member David Abeshouse has volunteered to reimburse all attendant credit card fees, thus, in Gotham tradition (thank you Scott Bloom for 2024) making all such contributions also 100% pass through.
Presently, the Gotham Foundation is in the process of final review of the particulars of Bruce’s proposal.
This is one of the many ways that Gotham is very very special!
Thank you all for your consideration, especially Bruce and David and Godspeed to all those in Los Angeles!!!
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