Konk Life Candidate Questionnaire: George Bellenger for Key West Mayor

Q.  In 20 words or less, let our readers know the reasons in general that you believe you would make the very best person to fulfill the position for which you are running.

A. As a family man, small business owner and environmentalist I am well versed on what keeps Key West balanced moving forward.

Q.  What specifically are the top four factors you believe qualify you over the assets of any other potential candidate?

A. Proven project management and team building skills driven by passion and determination fueled by a desire to do the right thing for the benefit of all.

Q. What is your personal view on the state of the nation in this year’s particularly interesting political season?

A. Our current state of the nation is bogged down by partisan politics causing impeded progress, I’m hopeful for improvement.

Q.  Given your personal awareness of governance in Southeast Florida, are you optimistic about relations between the public and the powers that be?

A. Yes, I am optimistic that a new generation of leaders will step forward to bridge the divide between people and politics.

Q. Do you feel that the general tenor of political discourse is becoming less polite in Monroe County or staying about the same?

Monroe County, with it’s diverse community is better situated to put party politics aside and work together towards solutions.

Q. Tell us more about your personal history –- your work and family life –- and how they relate to your political ambitions.

A. My wife Carla and I have been married almost 20 years and our son George will be a senior this year at Key West High. Our family started Key West Eco Tours which now employs 20+ people. We understand the importance of a vibrant ecosystem that is necessary to support a strong economy as we look to protect Key West for future generations.

Q. From your personal experience, would a generally peaceable outlook in the Keys depend upon a measure of control over the number of our visitors and residents?

A. Balance is necessary in most everything, realizing we are a tourism based economy which needs workers to operate while putting locals quality of life issues first is the goal.

Q. What do you personally love most about Monroe County and the Florida Keys?

A. The diverse friendly family of “characters” that make up the fabric of society here in the Florida Keys.

Q. What troubles you the most about today’s Monroe County and the Florida Keys?

A. Good people and their families who wish to continue making the keys home being forced to leave by the high cost of living.

Q. What planning or political mistakes do you personally believe were the worst to be inflicted on the Keys over the past decade?

A.The continued degrading of our near shore water quality by the inability of government agencies to work together to expedite the required sewer hook ups, even when the funds are available.

Q. Who is your favorite character in the history of the keys?

A. The eternally optimistic Mel Fisher, “Today’s the Day!”

Q.  Who is your least favorite character?

A.Count Von Cossel….

Q. What is your favorite book?

A. “For Whom the Bell Tolls” The story of the ultimate personal sacrifice in the service of an ideal.

Q. What is your favorite movie?

A. “Saving Private Ryan”  Tom Hanks displaying leadership under difficult circumstances.

Q. What is your favorite quote?

A. “If it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen out there.” Kurt Russel as Captain Ron who doesn’t play it safe and believes in his ability to overcome any obstacle placed in his path.

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