Key West Tropical Forest seeks Board members

KEY WEST – The Key West Botanical Garden Society is a 501(3)c not-for profit managing and restoring the only frost-free tropical humid forest and botanical garden in the continental United States has open seats on its Board and seeks applicants, specifically Treasurer.  Terms are for two years.

The Key West Botanical Garden Society was formed in 1988 taking over stewardship of the Garden which had been created in 1935 through WPA funding.  The Garden’s mission is to preserve, develop, expand and maintain the historic Garden as an arboretum, botanical garden, wildlife refuge and educational center.

Board responsibilities include monthly board meetings and participation in committee work.  Areas of expertise that are particularly relevant to the board include but are not limited to Accounting, Law, IT, Education, Engineering, Horticulture and Fundraising.

Send letter of interest to Key West Botanical Garden, 5210 College Road, Key West, FL  33040 or email: [email protected].  Website:

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