Key West Proclaims National Diaper Need Awareness Week to Address Public Health Crisis

Commissioners Lissette Carey and Monica Haskell, Mayor Danise Henriquez, Healthy Start Coalition’s Melanie Rodriguez, Commissioner Clayton Lopez, Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman, and Commissioner Donie Lee. Commissioner Mayr Lou Hoover was in attendance via Zoom.

Mayor Danise Henriquez and the Key West City Commission have proclaimed the week of September 23 through September 269th as National Diaper Need Awareness Week.

The proclamation was accepted by the Healthy Start Coalition’s Melanie Rodriguez.

“Diaper need — the condition of not being able to afford a sufficient supply of clean diapers to keep babies and toddlers clean, dry, and healthy — can adversely affect the health and well-being of children and their families,” reads the proclamation.

National surveys and research studies report that nearly one in two families struggle with diaper need. Nearly 48 percent of families delay changing a diaper to extend the available supply. Many parents struggling with diaper need report missing an average of five days of work each month due to an insufficient supply of diapers.”

Without enough diapers, children can experience serious health care issues.

“The people of Key West recognize that diaper need is a public health issue,” continues the proclamation. “Addressing diaper need can lead to economic opportunity for the state’s families and communities.”

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