Short blog today. Busy moving this week. Did not intend to write this morning. However last night too good not to share.

I went to The Grand for Happy Hour. Had to park 3 blocks away. The walk a killer!

Key West is mobbed! Unusual for so early in the Fantasy Fest week. Everyone partying big time already. Many will not make it to saturday night and the parade.

The crowd primarily middle aged. As many men in tutus as women. Highly unusual. Stupid also I thought. Men look ridiculous in tutus.

Several women were pantyless under their tutus. Something new. Rare. Illegal, of course. From a voyeur point of view, interesting.

My blog for the day. Moving problems/details of primary concern.

Grandson Robert Malcom has an article in NoleGameday today. The article: Florida State Linebacker Tatum Bethune Is Eager to Make His Mark Against Wake Forest.

Enjoy your day!

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