At 11 am yesterday, Trump spoke at a pre-arranged press conference at Trump Tower. The press was present. They never got to ask a question. Trump spoke ad infinitum. In his usual manner. Rambled on and on.

He left me with two impressions. One having to do with his appearance. The other his truthfulness.

His appearance was pathetic. Even I felt sorry for him. He looked tired and beat up. It’s still a long way to the election. Taking his age into account, his significant overweight, and the way he eats, he could be heading for a heart attack before the election. I know from experience what is involved. He should consider his health and his life.

Truthfulness. What truthfulness? He lies. If he were Pinocchio, his nose would have been touching the ground. His talk replete with misstatements. He expelled a gusher of falsehoods re the trial.

Maybe he does not know how to speak truth. It may not be part of his being. It’s impossible for him to speak the truth about anything.

In spite of  his poor appearance and lies, Trump claims he had a big night money wise following the verdict.

He claims he took in $38.4 million. Hard to believe. Assuming he is telling the truth, the American people have lost their way. If he is elected, most will regret their poor judgment in voting for him within the first year. His path of ruin and destruction will be obvious. Adolph will have accomplished major steps in killing the U.S.A.

Trump’s supporters were calling for “riots and revolution.” Websites were flooded.

His comments re Judge Merchan give me concern for the Judge’s safety. Serious concern.

Marian Robinson, mother of first lady Michelle Obama, died at 86. She lived in the White House and “worked” as grandmother to her granddaughters Sasha and Malia. She did it to assist Michelle in performing her duties as the President’s wife.

Marian raised a great daughter and helped in raising two great granddaughters.

May she rest in peace.

“King Alito’s” arrogance has reached frightening new levels. Beyond the flags. It is reflecting itself in his decisions.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia is no more a Democrat.  He announced yesterday he is leaving the party and will now be an Independent.

He claims U.S. politics are broken. Makes me laugh. He helped break them. He was a thorn in the side of whoever was President. He was responsible for some major significant deals failing because he did not provide his Democrat President with his vote.

He played God too many times.

Manchin advised several months ago he would not be running for reelection to the Senate again. Rumor has it he may run for Governor.

Manchin and his family have grown rich over coal and pharmaceuticals. A typical today Washington politician. Got rich on the job!

A Papua, New Guinea update.

The massive landslide occurred on May 24 and buried villages and people. Estimated dead 2,000. Earth and debris 2 stories high. People still digging with spades, sticks and their hands. Only 6 bodies found so far. Officials say they do not expect finding many survivors.

Plymouth, Massachusetts a first in many respects. On this day in 1838, the first ever earthquake in the U.S. hit at Plymouth.

How many lives have been saved? The Heimlich maneuver for rescuing choking victims was published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine for the first time this day in 1974.

Busy yesterday running around. Date & Thyme, drug store, Publix and bank. Enough for me these days.

I parked my car where I normally do two nights ago. On the street under a tree. Yesterday when I went to begin my jaunts, it was covered in some sort of defecation. My car had been shit on. Tons of it. On the roof on the driver’s side, the front window and right fender. Tried to clean it. No way. Solid as rock. The car requires an expensive cleaning.

Darling Joan, contact me. I am concerned not having heard from you and unable to contact you.

Enjoy your day!

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