I have always considered Thursday night the best part of Fantasy Fest. Two major events.

The best of the best is Toga Party. Technically, Sloppy Joe’s. Actually, all of Duval and adjoining side streets. People galore scantily attired in abbreviated white sheets. Women exposing personal parts for beads. All eyes wide open taking in the events.

Many women walking about with breasts totally exposed. Spray painted. Palm trees, flamingoes, etc. Expensive art. Street artists getting $100 plus for their efforts.

No question, Thursday toga is an adult party.

The second major event is the Headdress Ball. Coffee Butler Amphitheater at 8 pm. A spectacular show. Huge head attire on participants. Tall! Magnificently done. How they balance the huge headdresses is beyond me. Accompanied by great music. Not adult entertainment. A tasteful event, enjoyable in its own right for viewing.

When I would frequent Thursday evenings, my evening would begin with the Headdress Ball and then to Duval for toga time.

A great evening. Followed by total exhaustion.

Another article by grandson Robert Malcom . Published just one hour ago this morning: “Wake Forest Head Coach Dave Clawson Discusses Matchup Against Florida State.” Great reading.

I am still in the midst of moving.

Enjoy your day!

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