“They died together holding hands and walked into Heaven holding hands.” Words spoken by the son of a couple who recently died from coronavirus.

Johnny and Cathy Darlene Peoples were married 48 years. Resided in Rowan County, North Carolina. A close union. One son, 9 grandchildren.

They died within 4 minutes of each other holding hands.

They came down with coronavirus at the same time. Immediately into intensive care. Died 30 days later.

They were in separate rooms. The nurses knew death was imminent for both. Wheeled the wife’s bed into her husbands room. Placed the beds next to each other. Joined their hands together.

The husband died first. The wife 4 minutes later.

Their son said, “They died together holding hands and walked into Heaven holding hands.”

God could not have planned it better.

Wildfires have been destroying California and parts of Oregon and Washington for 3 weeks. Trump has basically ignored the 3 states. No federal aid for the natural disaster so far has been authorized by the President.

Some reporters suggest it is Trump getting even with California and its Governor Newsom. The reasons appear twofold. Newsom has been critical of Trump’s handling of the pandemic and California is a Democratic state that undoubtedly will vote for Biden in November.

Trump’s attitude appears to be why should I help them if they’re not going to help me. He forgets that once elected, he is President of ALL the people.

This is the third consecutive year California has had to endure these wildfires. Experts already are saying this year’s is the third worst ever. If it continues as it is, might end up the worst.

Trump says California fails to care for the forests as they should. He says, “You gotta clean your floor…..sweep the ground.” In other words, sweep up the branches and leaves on the ground.

Experts do not agree with Trump. The problem is climate caused, they say. The last 3 summers in California have been unusually hot. This year the summer heat the worst. Some days 120-130 degrees.

No rain, of course. The trees got dry. Heat in the high temperature levels causes lightning. Big time multiple lightning strikes. The lightning sparks the dry trees. Such the cause of the fires.

More raking is not going to solve the problem.

Finland had wildfire problems in past years. They were able to solve it. Trump spoke with Finland’s President and shared his theory that the unraked ground was the cause. Trump said Finland’s President said the same thing caused the Finland fires. They raked and no more fires.

Finland’s President issued a statement saying he had said no such thing to Trump.

An interesting side point is that most of California’s forests are federally managed. Trump may not be aware. I am sure the feds have neither raked or swept the woodlands they manage.

Governor Cuomo deserves much credit. He brought what was an out of control coronavirus epidemic under control. Conceded, Cuomo at first did not recognize the danger involved. He quickly learned however and took control.

New York is in great shape.This is he 4th consecutive week that the coronavirus infection rate is under one percent. Seven tenths of a point in the City and nine tenths of a point in the State.

Cuomo attacked the virus with a vengeance. He went to war. Not in words. Actually. Got the job done.

Trump talks a good game and accomplishes nothing, unless you consider 193,000 dead so far success.

The comments to this blog are a story unto themselves. I have some very astute intelligent readers and some much less than. They all write. Argue with each other.

I love it!

Some days the comments are more interesting than my blog.

A comment last week brought to my attention that Chuck Yeager and Orville Wright had met. How could it be, I thought. Orville and Wilbur flew for the first time in 1903. Yeager a World War II ace who was the first to break the sound barrier.

Turns out Orville lived to 1948.

They were together on two instances. For lunch at a 1945 air show. Then again sometime between the end of World War II and 1948 when Orville died.

It is said Orville was impressed that Yeager had broken the sound barrier. Amazing! Yeager had to be impressed that Orville and his brother built and flew the first airplane.

Enjoy your day!

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