In Flanders Fields is a World War I poem. Written early in the battlefield Flanders Fields by soldier, physician and poet John McCrae. His friend, a fellow soldier, had been killed on Flanders Fields the day before. McRae deeply disturbed. Sat before his friend’s makeshift grave with a simple wooden cross. Poppies blowing in the breeze. Took out a piece of paper and pencil and wrote In Flanders Fields.

McCrae’s poem was intended to give voice to his friend and all others who had similarly died on the battlefield. It speaks of their sacrifice and serves as their command to the living to press on.

In Flanders Fields appeared on yesterday’s date in 1915 in PUNCH magazine. It was published anonymously. McCrae did not think it was very good. His friends published it on his behalf.

In Flanders Fields has stood the test of time. Still popular more than 100 years after written. It will still be popular a century thereafter, if not longer. It is one of those special works that lives on.

The poem is short. I share it in its entirety with you.


“In Flanders Fields, the poppies blow / Between the crosses, row on row, / That mark our place; and in the sky / Scarce heard among the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago / We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, / Loved and were loved, and now we be / In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw / The torch; be yours to hold it high. / If ye break faith with us who die / We shall not sleep, though poppies grow / In Flanders Fields.”

A closing thought. God bless all who sacrifice their lives for our Nation and those who understand not be damned.

Trump on a sunday TV show said he would keep the U.S. in NATO. His words shrouded conditionally of course: “If their paying their bills, and if I think they’re treating us fairly, absolutely, I would stay with NATO.”

Trump always sounds like he is negotiating a construction deal.

His words too weak, too general. The item that concerns me most is “if I think they’re treating us fairly.” An economic response meaning they “take our cases” and “food product.” Trump argues NATO nations “don’t take anything” from the U.S.

It’s always dollars with Trump. He fails to see other benefits.

Trump really wants the U.S. out of NATO to please Putin. NATO is the one organization that keeps Russia in check. Trump appears blind to this, or just doesn’t care. Pulling the U.S. out of NATO will save the U.S. billions, if not trillions of dollars. However, it would also expose Europe to more wars and perhaps someday make it possible for Russia to invade the U.S.

Typical of Trump, again he really doesn’t know or care. Everything is money and his continued friendship with his autocratic friends worldwide.

The Syracuse Bowl location was announced yesterday. It’s the DirecTV Holiday Bowl in San Diego. The date December 27th.

Syracuse’s opponent is Washington State. Syracuse is 9-3 and ranked #21 nationally. Washington State is 8-4 and unranked.

I woud have preferred Syracuse playing a ranked team. The better the opposition, the sweeter the victory!

Saw a movie yesterday I have seen several times in the past. However not in recent years. One of the finest movies I have ever viewed. Solid in content and acting.

The movie is 1968’s “The Shoes of the Fisherman.” Anthony Quinn starred as only he can. He plays a Russian priest who ends up Pope and takes a significant step to save the world. I refrain from telling you more. Want you to watch the movie. That good!

Another movie comes into play today. The movie and book upon which it was made.

Sophie’s Choice. Involves the Holocaust and a mother’s decision. The movie starred Meryl Streep.

Read the book, watch the movie, and weep.

I close with a Robert and Ally tale and the College of Key West’s swimming pool.

Robert and Ally learned how to swim when relatively small at the College of Key West pool. They continued to swim at the pool a number of years and swam competitively in a College sponsored program.

Recently the number of tiles were all replaced in the pool. An extensive job. It took 2,620 tiles.

The College pool is home of the CFK Tugas, the Key West High School Conchs and continues to be a busy hub for community members seeking swimming lessons, fitness and fun.

Enjoy your day!

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