I suspect Trump only nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for a spot because he wanted a Kennedy name supporting him. Now that he is elected, he does not need further Kennedy support.
Kennedy is a disaster in whatever fashion viewed. Especially his dislike of vaccine use. If Kennedy achieves the position sought, he would work his ass off to negate the use of vaccines in the U.S. The result would be massive epidemics. Especially where measles and polio are involved. Guaranteed!
A comment to this blog yesterday identified how many feel about Kennedy acquiring a power position: “RFK, keep your damn stinkin’ paws off my vaccines.”
I share some occurrences which happened when certain vaccines were recently not available. A lack of measles vaccine in the UK in 2024 resulted in a rise in measle cases. At the same time, WHO’s European region reported a 5-fold increase in 2022-2023.
A clear message here. Beware of RFK Jr.
Syracuse beat Notre Dame yesterday 77-69. A surprise! At one point, Syracuse was down 17 points. Came back.
Clemson next. Tuesday evening at 7 at Clemson.
The People’s March yesterday was successful. Thousands participated.
A first! Snow fell on Miami, Florida this day in 1977.
Bruce Springsteen’s single “Born in the USA” was released in 1985. One of those tunes that will be forever popular.
On this day in 1994, Elton John was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Air Force One has 4,000 square feet of floor space.
TikTok is off line in the U.S. today. Stopped as of yesterday. One hundred seventy million American users are now without.
What next?
Biden is spending his last full day as President in South Carolina. A state that helped him become President.
I close with an experience I personally found exciting.
A recent article in the Orlando Sentinel concerned insurers denying millions of dollars in claims over Basquiat fakes. The insurers involved seek such a ruling to avoid paying millions to owners.
Reminded me of an experience I had many years ago. My practice included representing a large number of insurance companies. One had a claim involving a Dali piece. The company knew of my art collection in which I had two Dalis and my art background and experience. My two Dalis of course were originals.
The company did not hire me to represent it as an attorney. It hired me as an “art expert” to refute the authenticity claim. The insured’s “Dali” was claimed to have been stolen. We had to work from photos.
I examined the photos and some paper work involved. Concluded the Dali not original.
What was my experience qualifying me to testify as an expert?
Utica was blessed to have a large spectacular top of the line museum called the Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute. The three names were families from the 1800’s and early 1900’s who were exceptionally wealthy and left tons of money to erect the museum and do other things of benefit to the community. While in grammar school and high school, I took art classes there. When I returned to Utica after law school, I took 2 years of oil painting. Only one evening per week. Fun. Took me two years to complete one oil.
I also painted at home in my spare time those two years. However at the end of two years, my practice grew and was keeping me sufficiently busy so I had no time for painting. I became a “collector” instead. Studied new works and old. Especially the new who I thought might become famous. My hope was to buy cheap and sell years later when the works had become expensive. I have been correct in some instances in this approach.
I spent spare time assisting The Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute. Eventually became a member of its Advisory Board. Learned a lot in that capacity.
There is a Dali Museum in Tampa. Outstanding! I made several visits to the Museum over the years and literally spent hours inside each time. For the mere pleasure of it all.
Such was my background.
We won the trial! The jury determined the painting was a phony. I was thrilled!
I did not charge the insurance company an “expert’s fee.” I was representing them in a ton of insurance cases. Merely charged my usual attorney hourly which was significantly less.
Enjoy your Monday!
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