Larceny pays. Crime pays. Evident in the criminal tax trial in Manhattan yesterday against the Trump organization. Note Donald Trump not specifically named as a defendant in the case.

Allen Weisselburg has been the organization’s long time CFO. His CEO Trump. Weisselburg was arrested for accepting “benefits” as part of his income. Benefits that were never recorded as salary. No taxes paid by the payor or payee. He has pled guilty and agreed to testify against the Trump organization. His first trial appearance in the case was yesterday.

His testimony electrifying.

Two items especially so.

First, he testified to receiving $1.76 million in untaxed off the books “perks.”

Second, he testified that his salary was $640,000 a year, plus a $500,000 bonus. The strange part of his testimony was that he has continued to receive the six figure salary since pleading guilty. He hopes he will receive this year’s $500,000 bonus in January.

A strange deal. On the other hand, nothing appears strange where Trump is concerned.

Canada’s Trudeau and China’s Xi Jinping had “words” publicly at the G20 conference yesterday. The exchange took place following a private meeting between the two. Following which Trudeau made full disclosure to the press of what they had discussed.

Xi Jinping said their conversation was a private one covered by conditions requiring the same. Trudeau disagreed.

The two shook hands afterwards. Apparently a misunderstanding and Trudeau did not intentionally violate what has been described as “conditions.”

Harry Truman left his mark on Key West. Forever remembered. His memory cherished.

It was on this day in 1946 that Truman arrived in Key West for the first time. He vacationed for a week at The Little White House.

Truman loved Key West. He made 10 more trips. His total Key West vacation days 175.

The weather report this morning indicates a cold front arriving friday morning. Temperature will be in the mid to low 50s.

Fortunately, the cold wave will hit mainland Florida. The Keys will be affected, but slightly. Key West temperatures have recently been in the mid 80s. When the cold spell hits, the temperature will drop into the low 70s.

Note 74 and lower is cold for Key West residents. Just the way it is. Tourists will not feel it, however.

Busy day ahead. Haircut with Lori. Manicure with Tammy. Lunch at Harpoon Harry’s in between.

Enjoy your day!

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