Trump disgusts me. He does not know when to stop.

I sit here confused. How do I describe Trump? Disrespectful, scum, liar, horse’s ass. One of the preceding, all of the preceding? All, of course.

He is playing the color issue with Harris. As he did with Obama. Not the American way. No way. Trump does not know when to stop. Does not recognize limits. Foulness comes out of his mouth each time he opens it.

The color attack. Trump says Harris is not Black. She’s an Indian. He rarely attacks the part of her that is Asian. He is so desperate for the Black vote he tells Blacks she lies to you. While he lies to them.

Wednesday, he was interviewed by and before Black journalists in Chicago. They did not buy the claims he made. Did not seem to bother Trump. He seemed to enjoy playing in the gutter.

The facts. Harris’ mother was Indian American and her father Black. Harris attended the historically Black Howard University. She was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the nation’s oldest Black sorority. She has spoken extensively about growing up in a Black community in Berkeley, California.

Trump’s MAGA followers will believe him. They are bound to him as if with glue. Anything he says they accept. Other Americans however recognize the sickness that permeates the man. Do they want Trump to be President again? I doubt it. His claim to fame will be he was one of the world’s greatest whoremasters and a liar to boot.

Democrats are coming alive in Florida’s The Villages. Heretofore silent. They came out in golf carts saturday. Roughly 500 people in 250 carts. A surprising show!

The Villages is an acknowledged MAGA area. Many thought there were no Democrats. Surprising! There are! In big numbers

It’s a new world!

Senator Elizabeth Warren says it well: “The Supreme Court is actively undermining Democracy.”

Olympics at the moment in Paris. The 1936 Olympics opened this day in 1936 in Berlin. The ceremonies were presided over by Adolph Hitler.

A few “money” observations.

An inequity. Nothing wrong with it from my perspective. Just the way things are: A study revealed kids earn an average of $4.13 per lost tooth in the U.S. That is four times the minimum wage per hour in Mexico.

A recent study by Italian economists shows that the wealthiest Florence families in 1427 remain the wealthiest even today, six centuries later. The trend is not exclusive to Italy. Similar data was gathered in England and China.

Too much wealth. Abusive in its use. King Salman of Saudi Arabia has a golden escalator he uses to descend from his private plane.

Some Keys occurrences.

On this day in 1988, the James Bond movie License to Kill began filming in Key West and other parts of the Keys. The movie premiered one year later in 1989.

Her ass is going to fry!

Jennifer Ketcham, age 40, is a Monroe County Office Deputy. She faces 19 felony counts for using police computer systems to aid her drug dealing boy friend Ryan Hernandez about impending drug raids and narcotics officers patrolling certain areas of the Keys, including Stock Island and Big Coppitt Key.

Citizens’ Voice this morning: “Case again the TDC board has shown contempt for people who live here. Everyone I know feels we need to slow down advertising and promotion. Meanwhile, they have the candidate whose entire focus was the importance of advertising  and said visitors are more important than locals. What a surprise.”

Another Citizens’ Voice this morning: “Restaurants in the Keys are nuts. Prices keep rising though inflation is down. Calling a $49 prime rib a “Locals Special?” Calling a $30 pork chop “Happy Hour?” We are losing longer visitors because not only are lodging prices nuts, but so are restaurants. Give me a break.”

Enjoy your day!

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