Something is happening. Nothing getting better. Coronavirus seems to be winning.

As with many states, Idaho has been compelled to expand health care rationing. COVID-19 is straining Idaho’s hospital system.

It was announced yesterday Idaho is taking drastic steps because of the overwhelming impact the virus is having on its hospitals. Hospitals cannot handle the deluge of cases.

The hospitals now have a new “standard of care.” ICU beds and other limited resources will go first to those likely to survive. Illnesses not limited to the virus. Includes any that might normally need ICU care. Heart attack victims, auto accidents injured, etc.

Reminds me of the scene in Sophie’s Choice where Jews came off teh railroad cars at a concentration There was an officer stting in front. Each person appeared before him. With a nod of his face, he decided which wee to go to the gas chambers and which to would live to work in factories. Health the determining factor.

Note that only 40 percent of Idaho’s people have been vaccinated.

Alaska and Montana have similar programs in effect.

Massachusetts’s problem at the moment because of COVID is school bus drivers. The National Guard has been activated to help.

Those school bus drives not vaccinated or who refuse to be vaccinated have been discharged. Left the school bus system with an insufficient number of drivers.

What next? Changes similar to those taking place in Idaho and Massachusetts will soon become dramatic statewide burdens if a significant number of employees continue refusing to be vaccinated.

The insanity of bucking vaccinations cannot be more clearly evidenced than by the number of States vowing to fight Biden’s vaccination mandate. Twenty seven Republican governors and attorney generals have vowed to fight the mandates.

The States are bucking Biden’s order that over 80 million private employees not vaccinated be vaccinated or receive weekly testing. Otherwise, their employers will be fined.

Governor DeSantis should be pleased. Florida’s COVID death numbers have now passed 50,000. The man is a grim reaper.

DeSantis refused to release certain death numbers several months ago, giving no explanation. Now he begins again what he should have continued doing. His good or bad track numbers something the public has a right to know.

For information purposes, Florida’s significant numbers for last week evidenced 2,448 deaths and over 100,000 new cases.

DeSantis could be Trump’s successor. Both demented and calloused.

One final item re Florida and the virus. It appears parents’ rights are more important than children’s lives.

Mention made in this morning’s Citizen that 2 of William Hackley’s children had teeth removed this day in 1856. Raised my curiosity as to whether false teeth in some form were available at the time so people could walk around without gaping holes in their mouths.

Turns out there was.

History reveals false teeth were first used by Etruscans in the 700 B.C.’s. The teeth were made from a combination of human and animal teeth.

Etruscans disappeared in the 700’s and with them false teeth. False teeth had to wait to the 1700’s A.D. to return.

Now to 1856 and Hackley’s daughters.

False teeth were available. Initially in the decade, false teeth made from human and animal ones were back in vogue. Then vulcinite. Hardened rubber was used as a bass for porcelain teeth.

Trump accused General Milley this week of treason. He who could be labeled one of the most treasonous persons in American history.

Key West is unquestionably unique. Dances to a different tune in just about everything.

Even scarecrows.

The Key West Botanical Garden has kicked off the annual “Scarecrow-Making” contest. All entries will be on display through November 30.

I visited the scarecrow contest once. Ingenious! Outstanding! Most put the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz to shame.

It was announced this week that the Key West Airport for the first time had exceeded 1 million passengers. It is expected the number will top 1.4 million by the end of the year.

Nothing to be proud of.

The airport has been improved/expanded several times over the years. Existing problems corrected. The airport was also brought up to date re its needs.

Seemed each time like no one looked to the future. No one took into account expanding needs. Ergo, several times the airport has once again become too small to handle its volume of business.

It has happened again. The worst this time!

People sit on planes sometimes for an hour or more waiting to deplane. Passengers wait forever to receive their luggage. The receiving area is too small to handle the volume of luggage and passengers. People standing so close it has to be party time for the coronavirus bug. Poor planning as to arrivals. Sometimes as many as 4 planes arriving at the same time.

Whatever is to be done, let’s get it right this time guys!

Enjoy your day!

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