Truth be told, he who pays the fiddler calls the tune.

Trump has two codefendants in the federal documents case. Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oleneira. Their testimony is helpful to Trump’s position. Better they are on his side rather than testifying against him.

Their legal bills are being paid by Trump. It is assumed through Save America, Trump’s PAC. The funds originate via donations made by Trump supporters. Most in the $5 to $25 area.

Trump is a constant fund raising machine. Contributors know a percentage of their monies go to defend and otherwise assist him in indictments and cases against him and those he finds necessary to bring on his behalf in various matters.

The lawyers for Nauta and Oleneira are engaged and paid by Trump. The question arises as to the type of advice being given these two men. In their best interest, or in the best interest of Trump? The answer is obvious.

Recall Cassidy Hutchinson. Her initial testimony was before the January 6 House Committee. Her first lawyer was Trump recommended and paid. She testified one way. However, Cassidy was an honest woman to the bone. She was uncomfortable. Changed lawyers and then came back and testified anew. She and her truth were dynamite the second time around! The truth always is.

Nothing illegal in someone else paying someone’s legal bill. It is the advice given. Straightforward and honest or built slanted and deviated to make sure it is in the best interest of the one paying the bill?

As mentioned earlier, Trump’s legal bills are paid  by Save America, his PAC. Funded by contributions. It was recently announced Trump’s legal bills for himself and others named with him exceeded $40 million in the first half of 2023. Big time cash flow. No wonder he can fight to the extent he does in America’s courtrooms.

Rebooter and resetter Ron DeSantis. Will he ever get it right?

DeSantis is as deceitful as Trump, if not more. It has been discovered he is using public resources and public infrastructure to campaign.

An example: DeSantis is using State government vehicles for his 2024 run for President. This first came to public attention last Tuesday. A 4 vehicle accident occurred and DeSantis was in one of the cars. Reporter attempts to determine some facts re the vehicle DeSantis was in were barred by a new law passed by the Florida Legislature protecting the Governor’s travel records from public view.

DeSantis is using taxpayer dollars in his run for President and the people are barred from knowing! I thought it was wrong for an elected person to use public funds to run for reelection or another office.

Supreme Court Justice Alito just does not understand. He claims Supreme Court ethics cannot be regulated. The Justices are free to do what they want. Amazing! An authoritarian Supreme Court! It’s contagious. Where will it rear its ugly head next?

Albert Einstein said: “I know not what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Such brilliance!

If the heat continues, we’re all going to melt.

Enjoy your Monday!

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