I question Trump’s Covid-19 scenario.

For two reasons.

First, his credibility has been lacking the entire four years in office. Why not lie and misrepresent now. The inconsistencies from the White House, doctors and Trump himself makes one question the legitimacy of the claim he has been infected. Trump’s actions alone in the past 3 days raises the question of legitimacy to its highest level.

Second, Trump is Hollywood at its best in this gambit. The polls indicated he was on his way to being beaten badly. Something needed to be done to turn the tide. Something big, daring and dramatic. He would become a coronavirus victim.

If Trump’s personal Covid-19 lacks legitimacy, it magnifies his recklessness. Raises the question how one so reckless can be depended upon to protect his people. The first charge of a President.

It takes few words to reveal my thoughts and concerns.

Enjoy your day!

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