There are dead bodies buried all over Key West. A valid representation.

Son in law Corey Malcom did a lecture this morning titled The Many Cemeteries of Key West. Final conclusion to the effect that the island of Key West is Cayeo Hueso, which translates to bone island. The only problem Corey said was that the Cayeo Hueso title is a false one. There is no factual data to support it, other than a sole representation by a person several hundred years ago.

Corey set forth the history of Key West cemeteries. Thirteen over the years. The first where Truman Annex stands today. Begun in 1822. Referred to today as the Old Grave Yard. Some Truman Annex residents living over dead bodies.

By 1845, people were being buried all over Key West. Almost where they dropped. In back of homes, all of the south beach area, etc. Then came the hurricane of 1846, swept the randomly buried bodies up and drove them into the ocean. Something had to be done. The City purchased land to create what is today’s City Cemetery. Condemned houses to do it.

However, people were still buried helter skelter. One of the Mallory daughters is buried at or near Hog’s Breath for example. Today’s Audubon House originally was the Geiger House. Four of Geiger’s daughters are buried in the backyard of the Audubon House  Salt pond dead bodies were buried behind what is now Beal’s on North Roosevelt Boulevard.

There was a special cemetery for “lost souls.” Those who died in or near Key West, but had no connection to Key West. Like sailors.

There is an African Cemetery at Higgs Beach. Slave ship deads from the 1860 era. Buried in the Higgs Beach area. Discovery began in 2008. Actual number buried 296. Initially only 15 graves discovered. Corey worked on this project. Eventually more discovered. Basically in three areas. Where the first 15 were found, on the other side of the West Martello Fort, and across the street where the former dog park was located.

Higgs Berach is actually a compilation of several other small old cemeteries also.

A Post Cemetery still exists. A former military cemetery.

Four hundred bodies were dug up and reburied near Pensacola. A Washington, D.C. decision. However, the cemetery still exists because the bodies of family members were not exhumed since they were not “military.” Also still remaining are the bodies of  “Buffalo negroes.” They were blacks who fought for the Union in the Civil War. Not considered citizens at the time.

There are bodies around churches and under them. St. Paul’s an example. Under and about. Still burying members in the Church’s backyard.

Dead buried bodies everywhere. Ergo, Corey says Key West is truly “an island of bones.”

Excellent lecture!

Met two charming women at the lecture. Nancy Seidel and Betty Darst. Nancy a library board member. Both ladies read the blog. Love ’em!

This is a Malcom day. Grandson Robert has another article published in Nole GameDay: “Pitt HC Pat Nardazzi Discusses Florida State Matchup, Challenge of Defending Jordan Travis.”

I was exhausted by dinner time. However knew I had to get out. Showered again. Always makes me feel better. Headed to Brady’s for dinner. And Corala, The best bartender in town! Sweet, charming and attractive.

I had not eaten all day. Not the time to drink. Only had a bloody Mary. Wanted the tomato juice. Enjoyed fish and chips and Corala.

Corala has an 11 year old son. This Halloween he wanted to go out with his friends. Too old for Mom! How well I remember my four and Robert and Ally. i loved walking along as they trick and treated. Then they were too old for me. Sad!

Corala has an elderly father who resides in Ireland. She often speaks of him. Visits him for one month every two years. A good daughter!

Between the pandemic and a few extra years of age on top of it, I have had to begin getting out again. I am doing well. However how much I missed! For example, I drove over by the new Casa Marina and the beach next door the other day. Where there were several beat up tennis courts, there now stand 20-30 pickle ball courts. Were they packed! Primarily 50-70 year olds.

I thought no way for me at 88. Nor would I have done it 20 years ago. I have always feared a heart attack. I have had a bum heart for 20 years.

A Sons of Italy friend from several years ago, moved to the Villages right after Irma. He played pickle ball here. Was always trying to get me to join him. No way!

Two months after moving to the Villages, he had a heart attack and quadruples by-pass.

Putin signed a bill revoking Russia’s participation in the nuclear test ban treaty. He keeps threatening. He screwed up Russia with Ukraine. I visualize Iran and North Korea at some point joining in a nuclear war threat. Perhaps even China.

What the hell is going on? I blame Trump for all the crazy things happening. He showed a different U.S. to the world. One which continues to worsen.

I have been critical of the TDC for 3 years. Occasionally asking why do they continued to spend so much money for advertising when there were already too many tourists coming to Key West. Too many bodies continues to endanger and fragment Key West.

The TDC took in $59 million last year.

Today’s news advises the TDC is under scrutiny. Its spending raising “serious ethical concerns, possible law breaking.”

Heads will roll in due course.

Enjoy your day!

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