I received my vaccine booster shot Saturday afternoon.

Has knocked me on my ass.


Yesterday, I could not focus till 5 in the evening. I tried everything to get a blog out. To no avail. I have notes for a Justice Sotomayor piece. Tried to write it. No way! In the past 12 years, I have done 4 Social Security pieces. Referencing the rape of Social Security by the government. I have been wanting to do one again. No way could I put it together.

I tried my usual several topic format. Did not work.

It was hard to think. Best expressed, I was foggy.

Ergo, skipped yesterday’s blog. Going to happen today again.

My head is clear. My body totally exhausted. I can’t believe how tired I am.

I have been told several times if you have a reaction to the vaccine, it’s good. Means the vaccine is taking hold. It has got me!

I hope these few days of maladies will be over today. I want to feel better.

Hopefully, tomorrow.

Enjoy your day!

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