I have to smile. Some are critical that I favored getting the shots and am excited to be getting the booster shot today. Makes me wonder. Is freedom of choice only for those who do not want the shot?

Halloween a week away. Ever wonder the origin of the Halloween pumpkin?

Pagan roots. Not surprising. Many things are of pagan origin..

The night connecting October 31 and November 1 has always been a scary one. The “spirits” are out. Thought for real in times past. Today part of the tradition.

The story takes us back to Samharin. An ancient pagan festival. The evening of 10/31 into 11/1 was considered the time when autumn transitioned into winter. The ancient Celts believed on that particular evening a thin “veil” existed between life and death. “Spirits” roamed freely between between life and death. Celts of course did not want to meet them.

One spirit in particular: Stingy Jack. Purportedly the Devil’s representative.

To protect against Stingy Jack, lanterns were prepared. So as to see Jack. Lanterns were placed in windows, in front of houses and carried by hand if out walking.

Initially, lanterns were made of metal. Too expensive. So people began using earth vegetables. Turnip being the most popular. As with today’s pumpkin, the turnip was carved with a face figure and candles were placed inside.

Somewhere along the line, the turnip gave way to the pumpkin.

People originally believed that Stingy Jack or one of the spirits might capture them. If so, they would be taken to “Limbo.” There to remain forever, never to see the face of God.

The Halloween lantern scenario began in Ireland. Made its way to the U.S. sometime in the early 1800’s. First made its existence known to all in the 1820 adaptation of Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The Headless Horseman was shown with a pumpkin pick o’ lantern in place of his severed head.

Today one of historical significance. It was on this day in 42 B.C. that Marcus Julius Brutus committed suicide.

Brutus is best known because of his “Et tu, Brute?” fame. He was one of those who assassinated Julius Caesar.

Caesar spoke those words as Brutus was knifing him.

Brutus’ cooperation in the assassination was thought strange. He was much younger thn Caesar. Caesar had been his mentor. Taught him the ways of Roman government. He was responsible for Brutus’ successes.

Those assassinating Caesar were of the opinion that Caesar’s death would help to better Rome’s government. They were wrong. Everyone wanted to then be Caesar. Civil War broke out among several factions.

Two years following Caesar’s death, Brutus’ army was defeated by those of Octavius and Anthony. Brutus committed suicide as a result of the defeat.

There is a certain “classiness” that goes with being a former President. Certain acts and statements are not made. Lacking in good taste!

The story of Trump in a Moscow hotel room with some prostitutes before his election and some peeing on the bed or its occupant has been around for years. Never proven.

Trump spoke thursday evening at a key donor Republican dinner. Unprompted and not invited, Trump made the statement: “I’m not into golden showers.”

Thank you, Donald. We have all been waiting for your denunciation of the alleged occurrence.

United Airlines warned prices will spike thanks to rising jet fuel costs. The result of recent supply shortages and the pandemic.

Syracuse plays Virginia Tech at 12:30. A toss up as to who will win. Syracuse is 3-4 and Virginia Tech 3-3.

Syracuse carries a heavy on their shoulders. Its last 3 games were each lost by 3 points. Close games. Had Syracuse won, its record would be 6-1 going into today’s game.

Would have beens don’t count, however.

Church bells rang on wednesday this week. Jean Thornton had returned! Key West’s Golden Girl because of the emeralds and gold coins she found on a Mel Fisher dive. Changed her life!

Everyone loves Jean!

Enjoy your day!

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