History has a way of repeating itself. In this instance, Afghan babies and Central American ones.

Recall when the Mexican border was blocked. Many of those from Central America knew they would not be able to get into the U.S. Nevertheless, they wanted the better life for their children. Some of the children were babies.

Mothers knowing they would not get in, took steps to make sure their babies would. They were handed to women steps away from entry. The babies made a successful entry into the U.S.

The situation is repeating itself in Afghanistan.

Mothers are desperate to get their babies into the U.S. They know they themselves are not going to make it. In fact, many of the mothers will be killed by the Taliban as well as a number of babies. So it is with the Taliban way of life. A not so precious one.

Separating where those seeking to get out of Afghanistan may stand and where British and American solders stand, is a wall consisting of large bales of barb wire. Mothers are yelling at the allied troops to take their children. Desperation set in and they began trying to throw their babies over the barb wire.

Some make it, some don’t. Some into the hands of British soldiers in one area, others fall upon the barb wire. Some do not make it. They fall on the barb. All injured, some die.

A British officer said, “By the end of the night there wasn’t one man among us who was not crying.”

In another spot separated by barb wire, babies were thrown by mothers also. To American soldiers who suffered similarly to the British.

Friendly discourse becoming next to impossible, even among long time friends.

The place Martha’s Vineyard. Playground for the rich and famous.

This scene occurred at a popular grocery store. Alan Dershowitz and Larry David. David began by yelling at his long time friend Dershowitz re Dershowitz’s representation/assistance to Donald Trump. Dershowitz responded in a more conciliatory fashion. David would have none of it. Turned his back and walked away.

ICU beds a problem. Medical staff to operate them also.

Hospital beds across the country are rapidly filling up with COVID patients.

Some hospitals have hung out the no room at the inn signs. They have neither beds nor staff to handle the new sick.

Presently, one out of five ICUs throughout the U.S. had at least 95 percent of beds occupied last week. A figure that has doubled in recent weeks.

Alabama a scary example of the problem. Alabama has absolutely no ICU units available anywhere in the Sate. One hospital official said, “Our worst fears” have been reached.

An Alabama doctor views the lack of beds as potentially an “apocalyptic” situation.

Chris Cillizza is Editor at Large of CNN Politics. He published an article on 8/18 tilted: “Ron DeSantis Has No Idea What He’s Talking About.”

Re masks, DeSantis is taking all kinds of steps to force people not to wear them. Supporting his position, DeSantis said, “Politicians want to force you to cover your face as a way for them to cover their own asses…..even though its not proven to be effective.”

Recall Amanda Gorman, the brilliant inaugural poet. She has two new books of poems that will be published in the fall.

Hurricane Grace avoided the Keys. It went south. Making landfall on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Winds projected at 80 mph, rains 4-10 inches, and surge if any will be 3-5 feet.

The group opposing the vaccine grows.

Washington State has one or more hospitals that do transplant work. The hospitals involved mandated patients on transplant waiting lists would have to receive the vaccine to remain on the list.

Most of the patients refused.

Enjoy your day!

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