Key West International Airport To Resume Commercial Service Wed., Sept. 20

KEY WEST – Monroe County’s Key West International Airport will resume commercial service Wednesday morning, Sept. 20.

Commercial flights will be on a limited schedule the first few days. Contact your airlines for specific information. Also for information, follow the Key West International Airport Facebook page.

The Transportation Security Administration inspected the facility and gave the greenlight to resume commercial service on Tuesday.

The airport has been closed to commercial service for 12 days due to Hurricane Irma and the damage the storm caused.

Maintenance crews and Monroe County Fire Rescue Station 7 crews worked to restore the airport, which included cleaning the facility and making repairs.

“I’m very proud of the hard work and dedication that the airport maintenance employees have shown over the course of this trying time,” Monroe Conty Airports Director Donald DeGraw said. “We are excited to start commercial service and serve our valued customers.” * *@monroecounty * #keysrecovery

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