Key West Honors Megan Wilcox for 25 Years of Exemplary Service in Police Property and Evidence

Mayor Danise Henriquez, the City Commission, and the City of Key West this month recognized Key West Police Property and Evidence Supervisor Megan Wilcox for her 25 years of dedicated service to the city.

Wilcox began her career with the City of Key West in 1999 as a property technician. By 2001, she was promoted to supervisor.

“Her attention to detail is impressive,” said Human Resources Benefits Manager Alice Parker. “She has handled hundreds of thousands of pieces of evidence during her 25 years of service. She insists on accuracy and professionalism.”

During her quarter of a decade with the department, Wilcox has received numerous commendations, both from the department and the public. She has also received accolades for outstanding inventory audits.

“Property and Evidence is such an important component of the police department,” said Commissioner and retired Police Chief Donie Lee. “Like the communications division, they are the unsung heroes. Megan has done a fantastic job; her work has always been impeccable.”

Wilcox and her staff of two are responsible for every piece of property and evidence that come to the department, ensuring safekeeping for everything from court cases to the return to owners. They also are responsible for every body camera and in-car video collected by the department.

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