Key West Chamber of Commerce presents Stress & Time Management Seminar featuring Elisa Levy

 Key Westers work overtime so the island’s visitors can relax and escape the stress of “real life.”

But what’s your escape plan? How can you avoid becoming one of the 100 million Americans who suffer from stress-related illnesses every year? How do we manage our time to ensure there’s enough of it?

The Key West Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with world-renowned speaker, author and leadership facilitator Elisa Levy will present a “Stress & Time Management” seminar from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 29 at the Doubletree Grand Key Resort.

Levy will teach participants easy-to-use skills to manage time and reduce stress in both mind and body. Attendees will learn: 1) Organizational tips; 2) Time-management techniques that will keep others from wasting our time; 3) Tools for calming the body with the mind and calming the mind with the body; and 4) Why stress causes physical illness.

The price of the seminar is $72 for chamber members and $96 for nonmembers and includes a continental breakfast.

Space and enrollment are limited, so registration forms and payment must be received by the Key West Chamber of Commerce by noon on Friday, March 24. Visit, email [email protected] or call 305-294-2587 for information, registration and payments.

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